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The Icons-Window has three major functions: changing filetypes
of icons on the desktop, setting up of some desktop-specific options
and creating of icons with nearly unlimited size and quality.
File filename of the desktop-files
Trashcan-Action lets you selected if you want to remove only
icons or icons and files
Image1 filename of the first (normal) image of the
icon to be generated
Image2 optional 2nd image
Icon icon-file to be generated
Color sets the type of palette to be generated
Width specified the icon-width, the height depends
on the aspect of the 1st image
Depth number of colors used for rendering
Convert After pressing the convert-button the images
are loaded, scaled and rendered using the
current screen-palette. If you want to create
icons for the Workbench you have open Wildfire
on the Workbench-screen (temporary). If you want
to create icons in high quality use a very high
screen-depth and convert the created icons into
NewIcons later.
Change the filetype:
If Wildfire didn't recognise the type of an external file correctly
you can change this type by simply dragging the icon into the
Icon-Window. After that a requester displaying the current and
the available filetypes will appear.